Aerobic Vaginitis Symptoms and Treatment

To understand what aerobic vaginitis symptoms and treatment are, you first have to understand what AV is and that is explained here.

Common symptoms of AV are:

  • Thinned vaginal mucosa
  • Increased inflammatory reaction
  • Increased vaginal discharge which is abundant and yellowish (but does not have the fishy odor or BV)
  • Severe burning
  • Stinging
  • Elevated vaginal pH
  • Vaginal pain with sex

Now that you know what the symptoms are, let's look at the conventional treatment.

Aerobic Vaginitis Treatment

Different antibiotics target different kinds of bacteria. Approximately 20% of women diagnosed with BV (bacterial vaginosis) and treated with metronidazole will fail to respond to therapy and will experience a relapse of symptoms. Often these women suffer from AV which requires an antibiotic therapy against aerobic bacteria.

Typical, conventional treatment for AV consists of a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics that target anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. When a doctor chooses the antibiotic to be used, not only the antimicrobial spectrum of the antibiotic, but also the potential for a disturbance on the background and beneficial vaginal and rectal microbiota should be taken into consideration.

One such antibiotic that is often used is kanamycin. Another is moxifloxacin.

What do Kanamycin and Moxifloxacin Do For Aerobic Vaginitis Symptoms and Treatment?

Kanamycin is called a “aminoglycoside” antibiotic. Aminoglycoside antibiotics have been available for a while, but the discovery of other broad-spectrum antibiotics with less severe side effects temporarily lessened their significance. Currently, some of these aminoglycoside antibiotics are being revived for multi-drug resistant bacterial infections, particularly when Gram-negative microbes are involved.

The exact mechanisms of how these drugs work is not completely understood. Kanamycin can cause severe damage to the kidneys and can also cause hearing loss. Your health care provider should closely monitor your reactions.

Moxifloxacin is what is called a “third-generation quinolone”. While this antibiotic is impressive in its killing ability, it is also one of the antibiotics that more easily results in antibiotic-resistant bacteria and that has some of the most severe side effects including spontaneous rupture of tendons during or up to several months afterwards.

What About Probiotics for Aerobic Vaginitis Symptoms and Treatment?

Since AV is a relatively new pathology, and since it is often found in mixed infections, there aren’t any specific studies to date.

However, there are dietary and lifestyle changes (including the use of probiotics) you can make to support your body in dealing with the aerobic vaginitis symptoms and treatment.

NOTE: If you don't make the appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle, chances are that you are going to relapse with AV. Nutrition consultations can help you make the necessary changes to make you healthier.

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